
0173-4107 643


ab 75€ in D versandkostenfrei
ab 30€ in Trippstadt versandkostenfrei

Tarrazú Copy

Produkt-Code: hausmischung
Gewicht: 250.00g


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Accounted for 1 % percentage of world market - Costa Rica coffee beans are considered among the best in the world thanks to ideal growing conditions with high elevation and volcanic soil. More than 80% of Costa Rica’s coffee plantations are located between 800 meters and 1600 meters altitude, planted with fertile volcanic grounds and temperatures from 17 to 28 Celsius degrees.

Region Moyobamba, Doi Chang, Muganga
Farm name / Cooperative Kuntu, Mystic Hilltribe, AB Sholi
Altitude 1300 - 1900 m.ü.NN
Processing Washed
Country Peru, Thailand, Ruanda
Roasting profile
Roasting degree Dark Roast
Notes of Schokolade, süß und ausgewogen
Date of roasting on the label
Expired date on the label
Enjoyable recommendation Espressomaschine, Filterkaffeemaschine, Kaffeevollautomat