
0173-4107 643


ab 75€ in D versandkostenfrei
ab 30€ in Trippstadt versandkostenfrei

Amaro Gayo BIO

Produkt-Code: Elwedritsche-Kaffee-Bio
Gewicht: 250.00g


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Ethiopia is definitely the first country appearing in our favourite and “must – have” list. To be known as motherland of coffee arabica, coffee in Ethiopia gets famous by its distinctly unique flavours of wildly fruited and floral, winey and very complex taste due to the mixture of varieties and climate.

Ethiopia itself accounts for only around 3% of the global coffee market. Coffee is important to the economy of Ethiopia. Around 60% of foreign income comes from coffee, with an estimated 15 million of the population relying on some aspect of coffee production for their livelihood. (Source: Wikipedia.org).

Coffee plays a very important role in the social and cultural life of Ethiopia. Important events  often start with a “coffee ceremony”. People spend hours together to roast coffee freshly, then young people serving coffee to elders, guest are invited to show their respect and friendship. Coffee ceremony is used to introduce and establish politicians in the society. About 50 % of the Ethiopian coffee production is consumed in the domestic market.

Altitude 1500 - 1800 Masl
Certificates Organic
Country Ecuador, Äthiopien, El Salvador
Roasting profile
Roasting degree Medium roast
Notes of Pfirsich, Vanille, Karamell
Date of roasting on the label
Expired date on the label
Enjoyable recommendation Filterkaffeemaschine, French-Press